What Are The Main Jobs In Australia

Monday, January 18, 2010 ·

australian work visaMassive migration, this is Australia's answer to their very small population way back in the post World War II era. They though they need more people to create a country and protect their resources from other colonizers. And it seems like the country will need more immigrants. But this time, not as their defender but as persons to fill their shortages in many occupations. They are now encouraging more people to apply for an Australian work visa and seize the opportunity to earn more in the country down south.

There are so many immigrants prospecting Australian companies for a job. Yet, the country is experiencing shortage. No choice but to fill it with other nationalities. There are many positions available. Whatever line of work you are buying for, for sure you will get one. Just make sure that you have enough set of qualification and skills required by companies and the immigration department. You're lucky when your are spotted by an Australia company. You have nothing to do but to focus on your flight and they will be the one to process an employer sponsored visa for you. But if you're not that lucky, your last resort is to find them yourself. Here is a breakdown of the most in demand jobs in Australia.

Mining industry is the current most in demand job in Australia. This is because it is the fastest growing industry in the country. Most mining jobs are found in Western Australia. A sudden boom in happened in the state in the past decade that invited many international mining companies to make their own investments. There is BHP Billiton, Newcrest, Rio Tinto, Alcoa, Chalco, etc.. And also according to the statistics, people in the mining industry has the highest paying jobs in the country. Aside from mining, other positions you can apply for in Skilled Manual Trades are electrician, carpenters and welders.

Another field that hires more skilled immigrants is on the technology sector. The country is in need of thousands of computing professionals. You should work now with your Australian work visa before its too late. Because as we all know, it is also the most sought after career in many countries. Probably, the competition here is a lot tighter.

If accounting is your profession, you are looking for your dream in the right place. Accounting jobs is also one of the main priorities in Australia. The country has a very strong economy. In line with that, there are also many financial firms investing on them. This gave rise to the demand of licensed accountants. If you will get one, you will probably work with international companies like IBM, Vodafone, Fedex, Coca Cola, Microsoft and a lot more.

Other in demand jobs in Australia are engineers, sales representatives, drivers, technicians, secretary and executives. You will find a decent job, just make sure that you are taking the proper process of immigration to Australia.

Image reference: http://blog.e-ra.biz/uploaded_images/iStock_000004801150XSmall-706006.jpg

immigration australia


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