Population and Immigration: “2 different issues”

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 ·

Population and Australian immigration are two topics hotly debated in the country's current election campaign. During that time, Prime Minister Julia Gillard demanded that Population and Immigration were two different issues. However, the federal opposition think this statement was ridiculous.

According to Scott Morrison, opposition immigration spokesman, the two issues were inseparable. "She made the ridiculous statement that immigration has nothing to do with curtailing population growth," Mr Morrison uttered. "She says she wants to do something about sustainable population but she doesn't want to address the primary reason that population is growing so significantly. And any prime minister who says they want to do something about getting population growth under control obviously has to address immigration”, he added.

The Prime Minister doesn't agree with the fact that Australia's immigration rate is the main reason why the population is forecast to reach 36 million by 2050. "I don't believe that this is an immigration debate. I believe it's a debate about planning and policy choices for the nation's future, about where we want to see growth. We do need skilled migrants, definitely," she stated.

immigration australia


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