Issues In The Australian Health Care System

Tuesday, June 8, 2010 ·

For those applying for a visa, Australia is often one of the top choices for them to move into. There are actually a lot of opportunities available in the country in terms of jobs. Aside from this, the country's support for its residents is very extensive.

One of the more important of these supports is health care. And in this part, Australia doesn't disappoint incoming immigrants. The country has an extensive health care system that cover a wide range of medical needs, from simple check ups to major operations. It is also this set up that allow Australians to purchase medicine that is comparatively lower than that sold I other developed counties.

The system has been in operation in the country for many decades, now, with the current setup being established in the 1980's. However, while the medicare system, as referred to by the people here, is indeed very beneficial to citizens, it is still far from prefect. In fact, there are a lot of things that needed to be resolved in order to bring the service to more people.

One of the major issues that surrounds Australian health care is that of getting sufficient health care services to indigenous people in remote areas. Australian Aboriginals make up roughly under three percent of the country's population, which should have allowed health officials to handle them easily. However, as most Aborigines actually live in settlements that are well out of reach of government aid, it is quite difficult for help to get to these people.

Another thing that needs to be addressed with regards to giving health assistance to indigenous populations is education. Since a large portion of the entire population is below the average literacy rates, getting information to them with regards to proper health practices has proven to be very tough. However, the government is currently making a large headway with regards to these issues and reaching out to more Aboriginal communities.

On the other hand, health officials also need to contend with bigger issues that affect the entire Australian population. One of these is the eradication of such preventable diseases, such as obesity. It should be noted that Australia actually has one of the highest proportions of obesity cases in the world today. Another major problem here is the large number of smokers, which is one of the leading causes of death in the country.

Along with these health issues, the country also needs to contend with the shortage of health professionals. This is mainly due to the small number of local residents taking in medical professions. To combat this, the country is currently in an effort to encourage more foreign personnel to come to the country.

immigration australia


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