What It's Like Living In New South Wales

Monday, March 15, 2010 ·

autralian immigrationWhen getting an Australian immigration information, one of the places that many people would want to know more about is the state of New South Wales. Indeed, there are so many people around the world would want to move into this part of Australia. And so, for all of those wanting to know, here's an overview of what it's like living in there.

One of the things that many feel attracted to New South Wales is the state's climate. Unlike that of the rest of the mainland, New South Wales, or at least the eastern portion of it, enjoys a more temperate climate. On the other hand, though the western side is also semi arid, the temperature here is still very much bearable as compared to the country's central regions.

The climate is also ideal for all the outdoor activities that the state is known for. Beaches are perhaps the most popular attractions of the state, and there is definitely plenty of these along the coast. Byron Bay is probably the most popular destination for both locals and foreigners in the area. There are also countless outdoor activities that you can do in the several nature parks that dot the state.

The state capital of Sydney is the central hub of activities in New South Wales. It is yearly visited by more that a million tourists coming from different parts of the world. There are also several world renowned destinations in the area. These includes the famous Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge.

One thing that is remarkable about the state is that New South Wales has a very extensive transportation system. There are actually several ways that you can get around the state (aside from your car). Buses and trains are the main modes of transportation that link the several cities and towns that comprise the state. Within the cities, especially that of Sydney, there is an extensive system of tracks that connect the major districts. On the other hand, Sydney is also an important hub for international air travel, with Sydney Airport being a main landing point for flights.

One thing that you do need to take note about living in the state is the price of real estate. New South Wales is actually one of the higher states in terms of real estate cost. However, it is comparatively lower than, say, Victoria. The prices are the highest in the cities, especially Sydney. However, the costs go down as one moves into the outlying areas.

Image reference: http://blogs.statravel.co.uk/journal/region_images/australia_new_south_wales_sydney_harbour.jpg

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