Australian Life Compared To Other Countries

Thursday, February 4, 2010 ·

australia visas
Yearly, thousands of applicants try their luck in order to move to Australia. You might be surprised to find out that it is not only the people developing countries who want to experience how it's like living in Australia. In fact, there are plenty of folks coming from richer nations, like America and the Uk, who like to move in this country. That's why there are a lot of people all over the world who are taking an Australia visa application.

So, what makes Australia very interesting for so many people? As it turns out, there are actually so many of them available. And as you read each one out, you will likely be convinced that the country might also be the right one for you.

The first big reason why many would want to go to Australia is because it is cheaper to settle there. You see, the cost of living in the country is actually much lower when compared to other western countries. For instance, buying a property in Australia will be at least 20-30% cheaper that getting the same in the UK. However, do note that this is only a general case, as there are certain types of property that will actually be higher in Australia.

Another thing that might surprise many, especially those living in the western countries is that the cost of petrol in the country is half the price of others. This means that it is actually more affordable to own a car in Australia than, in the UK. And because of this, it is no wonder that Australia is considered as one of the top car markets in the world today. Not only that, but this also paves the way for a lower public transportaion cost for many Australian commuters.

And of course, since we are talking about the cost of living here, it would be inevitable that we touch the issue of wage rates. And since the country has a large demand for skilled workers, it is actually possible to earn more here than in the US. Also, the social services system in the country cover a much wider area than, for instance, the US, which means that you will be able to save more of your income when it comes to getting this services. However, one thing that you do need to note is that the contribution rates for these are rather comparable to other countries; or in some cases, a bit higher.

Aside from the economical side of living in Australia, another thing that attracts many people to move into the country would be the people. Australians, compared to the businesslike attitude of many westerners, are known for being very warm and welcoming, so foreigners can easily adapt to life in the country. Also, since the country is composed of people with different ethnic backgrounds, it would actually be easy to find a place to fit in here.

Image reference:

immigration australia


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